Further Studies

In addition to teaching yoga and meditation, I offer a variety of massage treatments for relaxation and elimination of stress and balancing of body, mind and spirit as well as offering coaching in stress management techniques.  In addition to more than 20 years of extensive studies and experience in Massage therapy, reflextherapy, body techniques as well as Quantic medicine and healing techniques, I have additional studies and diplomas in the following areas of mind - body health and well -being.


Bachelor of  Arts  San Francisco State University 1974


Diploma Qualified Massage Therapist Orthos 1986


Certified Personal Trainer  The American Counsel on Exercise with special studes in special populations and Senior Citizens 1993


Certified Reiki practioner levels 1 & 2 1995


Behaviorial Kinesiolgy Workshop Touch for Life 1997


Naturopath - Estena School of Natural Therapies 1999


Formation in Craneal Sacral Therapy  The Fórum Osteopàtic de la Mediterrània 2000


Nutritionist and Dietician - (Institute Dietética y Nutrción)

University of Granada Extension Course 2000


Certified Harmonyum practioner Levels 1 & 2  Universal Force healing Centre 2008


Certified Stress and Life Management coach  The Spencer Institute  2010  - International Sports Science Association, IDEA, National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association


Member AEKY Spanish Kundalini yoga Association


I am currently completing my studies in Ayurvedic healing from the Spanish Ayurvedic Institute of Vedic Studies.


I am currently in the process of studying the Ancient Yoga Healing technique of Sat Nam Rasayan


The above titles are a complement to my yoga practice and enable me to offer natural and holistic life style consultations to further the personal health and well being of my clients.